119th district court runnels county. 3852, HONORABLE CURT F.

119th district court runnels county The State of Texas, Appellee FROM THE DISTRICT COURT OF RUNNELS COUNTY, 119TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT NO. tx. L. 3-91-490-CR FROM THE DISTRICT COURT OF RUNNELS COUNTY, 119TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT NO. dahlberg TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DISTRICT, AT AUSTIN NO. 492, HONORABLE BEN WOODWARD, JUDGE PRESIDING S. Halfmann, Appellant v. State IN THE COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DISTRICT OF TEXAS, AT AUSTIN NO. 7023, THE HONORABLE BEN WOODWARD, JUDGE PRESIDING MEMORANDUM OPINION Appellant Bethany Danielle Molina pleaded guilty to four counts of the second-degree felony of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon Kevin Newsom, Individually and as Guardian and Next Friend of L. ' 36. Runnels County Sheriff, Respondent--Appeal from 119th Dis TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DISTRICT, AT AUSTIN NO. 15,985, THE HONORABLE BEN WOODWARD, JUDGE PRESIDING MEMORANDUM OPINION Andrew C. Triana Democratic Demócrata District Judge, 119th Judicial District Juez del Distrito, 7 79 Distrito Judicial GOnzalo P. Ballinger Independent School District--Appeal from 119th District Court of Runnels County Justia › US Law › Case Law › Texas Case Law › Texas Court of Appeals, Third District Decisions › 1993 › Runnels County Jail Inmates, Applicants v. District Court Judge; Runnels County Courthouse 613 Hutchins Ave Ballinger, TX 76821. John Best (R) Demographic Data for Runnels County, Texas; Runnels County Commissioners Courts; County Attorney; County Clerk; County Judge; Courts at Law Criminal Court Administrator for the 119th and 391st District Courts. County Auditor; District Court. Hough, Appellant v. He is a member of the State Bar of Texas, former board member of its judicial section, member of the American Law Institute and the Texas Bar Foundation, chair of the College for New Judges and former board Affirmed and Memorandum Opinion filed May 2, 2019. Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Tom Green County info. 4835, HONORABLE BEN WOODWARD, JUDGE PRESIDING A jury convicted Charles Gordon Haines of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and assessed punishment at ten years in prison. 11,198, honorable john e. 1994) (Family Code). dd. The State of Texas--Appeal from 119th District Court of Runnels County Justia › US Law › Case Law › Texas Case Law › Texas Court of Appeals, Third District Decisions › 2014 › Bobby Oxford v. 15,985, THE HONORABLE BEN WOODWARD, JUDGE PRESIDING ORDER AND MEMORANDUM OPINION PER CURIAM Andrew C. The State of Texas, Appellee -----FROM THE DISTRICT COURT OF RUNNELS COUNTY, 119TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT NO. The State of Texas, Appellee FROM THE DISTRICT COURT OF RUNNELS, 119TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT NO. 13,254, HONORABLE BEN WOODWARD, JUDGE PRESIDING In January 2000, appellee, A. District Courts in Runnels County County Auditor; District Court. 03-06-00056-CR James Rodney Tindle, Appellant v. 16,201, THE HONORABLE BEN WOODWARD, JUDGE PRESIDING MEMORANDUM OPINION On July 18, 2024, this Court abated this appeal pending the trial court’s ruling on Stephen Vletas’s motion for new trial. By statute, the judges of these courts are authorized to hear cases filed in any of the four courts. 03-12-00284-CR Salvador Lara Reyes, Jr. ORIGINAL PROCEEDING FROM RUNNELS COUNTY MEMORANDUM OPINION Relator Bobby Oxford, Sr. Justia › US Law › Case Law › Texas Case Law › Texas Court of Appeals, Third District Decisions › 2009 › Jose Herrera Lopez v. 03-20-00527-CV M. 3-91-317-cr jeffrey leo leggett, appellant vs. Post date June 17, 2019; Flag TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DISTRICT, AT AUSTIN NO. 03-17-00043-CV Craig Miller and Treasa Miller, Appellants v. State TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DISTRICT, AT AUSTIN NO. 119th Judicial District. In The Fourteenth Court of Appeals NO. Tex. 3965, HONORABLE JOHN E. Cheyenne Ellis, Appellee FROM THE 119TH DISTRICT COURT OF RUNNELS COUNTY NO. Code Ann. The State of Texas--Appeal from 119th District Court of Runnels County Justia › US Law › Case Law › Texas Case Law › Texas Court of Appeals, Third District Decisions › 2020 › Michael William Stahmann v. Texas 119th District Court. 5595, HONORABLE BEN WOODWARD, JUDGE PRESIDING MEMORANDUM OPINION On March 3, 2009, Martin Lopez Gonzales filed a Motion to Amend Notice of Appeal in this Court, prompting the creation of this Sep 28, 2019 · We also appreciate the work of Texas Ranger Jason Shea, the Miles Police Department and the Runnels County Sheriff’s Office in this case. District Court Judge; Runnels County Sheriff - 325-365-2121 Runnels County Jail - 325-365-2110 Runnels County Judge - 325-365-2633 Sparks v. 4142, HONORABLE JOHN E. , and C. us TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DISTRICT, AT AUSTIN NO. Justia › US Law › Case Law › Texas Case Law › Texas Court of Appeals, Third District Decisions › 2023 › In re Kayla Jones Appeal from 119th District Court of Runnels County In re Kayla Jones Appeal from 119th District Court of Runnels County (memorandum opinion) The COVID-19 Operating Plan for the Tom Green County Judiciary After March 10, 2021 was suspended effective December 22, 2021. Section 24. 13,615, HONORABLE BEN WOODWARD, JUDGE PRESIDING MEMORANDUM OPINION James P. J. 11,188, HONORABLE JOHN E. IN THE COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DISTRICT OF TEXAS, AT AUSTIN NO. Turner, Appellee FROM THE DISTRICT COURT OF RUNNELS COUNTY, 119TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT NO. 221 - 119th Judicial District (Concho, Runnels, and Tom Green Counties) (a) The 119th Judicial District is composed of Concho, Runnels, and Tom Green counties. PER CURIAM Court Name: Runnels County 119th District Court. 974, THE HONORABLE GARY L. , APPELLANT vs. sutton, judge presiding TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DISTRICT, AT AUSTIN NO. PER CURIAM . , et al v. , C. 3852, HONORABLE CURT F. Runnels County Court 613 Hutchings Ave, Rm 103 0. Each of these courts is a "court of general jurisdiction"; that is, each court hears a wide variety of matters involving civil law, criminal law, and family law. The parties have filed a joint motion to dismiss this appeal. Phone: (325) 365-2633 TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DISTRICT, AT AUSTIN -----NO. rowoldt in the court of appeals, third district of texas, at austin no. Rios Jr Republican Republicano District Attorney, 119th Judicial District Procurador del Distrito, 7 79 Distrito TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DISTRICT, AT AUSTIN NO. , Minors, and Texas Department of Insurance, Division of Workers' Compensation v. 4484, HONORABLE BEN WOODWARD, JUDGE PRESIDING Chad Chapman seeks to appeal from a judgment of conviction for aggravated sexual assault. The defense attorney was Andrew Graves. The 119th District Court has general jurisdiction including civil, criminal, and family cases. Halfmann appeals from the district court s summary judgment that he take nothing from Employers Justia › US Law › Case Law › Texas Case Law › Texas Court of Appeals, Third District Decisions › 2010 › Kenneth Koenig v. Beauregard. Mr. G. District Court Homepage; News and Notices; Rules and Forms; 51st Judicial District Court; 119th Judicial District Court; 340th Judicial District Court; 391st Judicial District Court; Criminal Magistrate Court, Felony Drug Court & Juvenile Drug Court; Child Support Court; Child Protection Court; District Clerk Xtreme Operating Company, L. Pen. , f/k/a Ira Oil & Gas, L. 124 W. Jun 17, 2019 · Search By County. 03-09-00130-CR Martin Lopez Gonzales, Appellant v. 03-01-00303-CR Daniel Rodriquez Ortiz, Appellant v. 03-95-00431-CR Samuel Cortez Vasquez, Appellant v. 3-93-051-CR GILBERT CHAPOY, APPELLANT vs. Employers General Insurance Company, Appellee FROM THE DISTRICT COURT OF RUNNELS COUNTY, 119TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT NO. 03-24-00422-CV Stephen Vletas, Appellant v. 03-00-00656-CV In the Matter of S. PER CURIAM. Pore, Appellant v. A jury found appellant, Samuel Cortez Vasquez, guilty of burglary. Appellant Gilbert Chapoy appeals his conviction for murder. 08(c)(1) (West Supp. 755, HONORABLE BEN WOODWARD, JUDGE PRESIDING MEMORANDUM OPINION This is an appeal from an order terminating the parental rights of appellant Bobby Oxford, Jr. Hough of aggravated sexual assault of a child and assessed punishment at life in prison. The State of Texas Appeal from 119th District Court of Runnels County Justia › US Law › Case Law › Texas Case Law › Texas Court of Appeals, Third District Decisions › 2003 › Margaret Brockington aka Margaret Huffman v. 03-20-00550-CV Andrew C. 03-21-00205-CV In re Bobby Oxford, Sr. 1 Franklin filed a pro se request for appointed counsel Justia › US Law › Case Law › Texas Case Law › Texas Court of Appeals, Third District Decisions › 2020 › Michael William Stahmann v. " The trial was in Judge Ben Woodward's district court in Runnels County. 4147, HONORABLE JOHN SUTTON, JUDGE PRESIDING . SUTTON, JUDGE PRESIDING PER CURIAM . View More: Runnels County 119th District Court. Deborah Lynn DeBerry--Appeal from 119th District Court of Runnels County Nikki Bruton Court Administrator 325-657-8012 Nikki. 119th District Court in San Angelo, Texas. District Courts in Runnels County John Best 119th Judicial District 124 W. This standing order shall become effective on the 15111 day of ~AJ BEN WOODWARD °'-119TH DISTRICT JUDGE ~ 340TH DISTRICT JUDGE BRADG00DWIN The State of Texas--Appeal from 119th District Court of Runnels County Annotate this Case. 03-02-00513-CR Chad Chapman, Appellant v. SV O&G LLC, Appellee FROM THE 119TH DISTRICT COURT OF RUNNELS COUNTY NO. Search by City. Jul 25, 2023 · Woodward of San Angelo is judge for the 119th Judicial District for Concho, Runnels and Tom Green counties, where he has served since 1999. 03-22-00216-CR Bethany Danielle Molina, Appellant v. SUTTON, JUDGE PRESIDING . H. 08-16-00189-CV § Appeal from the Appellant, § 119th District Court v. Beauregard San Angelo, TX 76903-5850 Phone: 325-653-1912 Fax: 325-658-6831 6 days ago · Runnels County 119th District Court is located in Runnels county in Texas. 221. Address: PO Box 166, Ballinger TX 76821. 03-95-00658-CR Steve Chavez, Appellant v. Justia › US Law › Case Law › Texas Case Law › Texas Court of Appeals, Third District Decisions › 2003 › Michael Joseph Prater v. Certain Judicial Districts Section 24. The 119th District Court covers Tom Green, Concho, and Runnels Counties. 11,955, HONORABLE ROYAL HART, JUDGE PRESIDING . § RUNNELS COUNTY RANCH AND CATTLE, L. 14. (R) Texas 119th Judicial District Attorney. 06 (West TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DISTRICT, AT AUSTIN NO. Best led the prosecution and was assisted by Assistant 119th District Attorney Stuart Holden. 03-11-00261-CV Bobby Oxford, Jr. 3746, HONORABLE JOHN E. Concho District Court West Beauregard Avenue, San Angelo, TX. , Appellee FROM THE DISTRICT COURT OF RUNNELS COUNTY, 119TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT NO. The phone number for Runnels County 119th District Court is 325-365-2638 and the fax number is 325-365-9229. Justia Free Databases of US Laws, Codes & Statutes. 03-95-00213-CR Ransford Steve Fowler, Appellant v. J. THE STATE OF TEXAS, Appellee On Appeal from the 119th District Court Runnels County, Texas1 Trial Court Cause No. 03-10-00181-CV Adella Edging, Appellant v. Links for online court records and other free court resources are provided for each court, where available. C. 5 mile away. Cindy Sue (Smith) Bryan (appellant) appeals from the trial court's order in a suit affecting the parent-child relationship. About Texas Judges. The State of Texas Appeal from 119th District Court of Runnels County Justia › US Law › Case Law › Texas Case Law › Texas Court of Appeals, Third District Decisions › 2020 › Michael William Stahmann v. in the court of appeals, third district of texas, at austin no. 5348, HONORABLE BEN WOODWARD, JUDGE PRESIDING MEMORANDUM OPINION In February 2005, appellant James Rodney Tindle was placed on deferred adjudication supervision after he pleaded guilty to Tom Green County has four District Courts: the 51st District Court, the 119th District Court, the 340th District Court, and the 391st District Court. the state of texas, appellee no. District Courts in Runnels County The 119th District Court has jurisdiction in Tom Green, Runnels, and Concho Counties of Texas. THE STATE OF TEXAS, APPELLEE . Deike d/b/a EWD Oil--Appeal from 119th District Court of Runnels County Annotate this Case Geotrac Energy corp. 1 3. Runnels County cv4-773. C. Fowler v. L. Runnels County Courthouse 613 Hutchins Ave Ballinger, TX 76821 Runnels County District Court contact information including location, website, phone, fax, and email of the Runnels County Clerk Court of Appeals serving Runnels County. The State of Texas, Appellee FROM THE 119TH DISTRICT COURT OF RUNNELS COUNTY, NO. Failure of a party or attorney to abide by court orders could result in Court action, including but not limited to sanctions, contempt of court, striking of pleadings, or dismissal of the suit, or both. P. If you have questions regarding the date and time of a particular hearing or how to access that hearing, please contact the Court Administrator. 6124, HONORABLE BEN WOODWARD, JUDGE PRESIDING MEMORANDUM OPINION After Salvador Lara Reyes, Jr. 3-93-688-CR . Clendenen, Appellant v. 03-04-00295-CV James P. 119th District Court. 15,248, HONORABLE BEN WOODWARD, JUDGE PRESIDING MEMORANDUM OPINION After 61 cattle died on their cattle ranch, appellants Craig Miller and Treasa Miller sued appellee County Auditor; District Court. STEIB, JUDGE PRESIDING Kennith Wayne Thomas appeals from an order dismissing his pro se motion for forensic DNA testing of evidence relating to his conviction for aggravated sexual assault. The Grand Jurors for the County of Runnels, State of Texas, duly selected, impaneled, sworn, charged and organized as such at the April Term, A. 03-01-00265-CR ----- Brian A. Triana Democratic Demócrata District Judge, 119th Judicial District Juez del Distrito, 7 79 Distrito Judicial Gonzalo P. 03-02-00421-CR Jose Refugio Nieto, Appellant v. The court address is PO Box 166, Ballinger TX 76821. D. the state of texas, appellee from the district court of tom green county, 119th judicial district nos. , who was eight years old at TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DISTRICT, AT AUSTIN NO. PER CURIAM Justia › US Law › Case Law › Texas Case Law › Texas Court of Appeals, Third District Decisions › 2008 › Kenneth Wayne Thomas v. 12,183, HONORABLE JOHN E. R. 03-96-00261-CV Pioneer Exploration Company, Appellant v. Office Office Holder (325) Phone / Fax; County Judge The Honorable Julia Miller (325) 365-2633 / (325) 365-3408 District Attorney IN THE COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DISTRICT OF TEXAS, AT AUSTIN NO. pled guilty to the first-degree felony offense of aggravated sexual assault of a child, the jury County Auditor; District Court. Texas Department of Family and Protective Services Appeal from 119th District Court of Runnels County (memorandum opinion ) Annotate this Case TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DISTRICT, AT AUSTIN NO. Info Show sub menu. Tom Green County is home to four District Courts namely the 51st, 119th, 340th, and 391st District Courts. N. 5264, HONORABLE CURT F. TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DISTRICT, AT AUSTIN NO. 4770, HONORABLE BEN WO ODWARD, JUDGE PRESIDING In November 2000, appellant Daniel Rodriguez Ortiz pleaded guilty to the felony offense of retaliation, see Tex. A. 14-18-00622-CR STEVE SALINAS, Appellant V. Tom Green District Court West Beauregard Avenue, San Angelo, TX Judge Nolen, a graduate of Texas Tech School of Law, was appointed to the court on June 1, 2002, and elected on January 1, 2003. 6686 MEMORANDUM OPINION Appellant Steve Salinas appeals his conviction for felony driving while intoxicated. W. (b) The terms of the 119th District Court begin: (1) in Concho County on the first Mondays in February and July; (2) in Runnels County on the first Mondays in March and October; and (3) in Tom Green County on the first TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DISTRICT, AT AUSTIN NO. About Texas Courts. Best, the District Attorney of Runnels County, Texas. Tom Hall claimed that Lone Star Gas Company excessively used its easement and violated the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act ("DTPA"). The State of Texas--Appeal from 119th District Court of Runnels County TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DISTRICT, AT AUSTIN NO. 03-00-00765-CR Charles Gordon Haines, Appellant v. A jury found appellant guilty of aggravated sexual assault. sutton, judge TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DISTRICT, AT AUSTIN NO. The trial court rendered summary judgment for Lone Star on several stated grounds. 03-01-00727-CV Wayne Poehls, Appellant v. , an inmate in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, has filed a pro se petition for writ of mandamus directed to John H. judy lyn rowoldt, appellee from the district court of runnels county, 119th judicial district no. SUTTON, JUDGE PRESIDING TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DISTRICT, AT AUSTIN NO. Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Runnels County info. Tom Green County Court West Beauregard Avenue, San Angelo, TX. Fam. 3852, HONORABLE JOHN E. 726, HONORABLE BEN WOODWARD, JUDGE PRESIDING MEMORANDUM OPINION Adella Edging appeals the district court s order terminating her parental rights to a minor child. 3-91-058-CR KENNETH WAYNE THOMAS, APPELLANT vs. , § of Runnels County, Texas (TC# 15,479) § Appellee. Pore appeals from the trial court’s Order in Suit Affecting the Parent-Child Relationship establishing a joint TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DISTRICT, AT AUSTIN NO. 03-15-00217-CV In re Kirt Allen Esthay ORIGINAL PROCEEDING FROM CONCHO COUNTY MEMORANDUM OPINION Relator, Kirt Allen Esthay, an inmate in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, has filed a pro se petition for writ of mandamus in this Court. How to reach us. A jury found appellant guilty of felony driving while intoxicated. The motion is Edward Gottschalk and wife, Dorothy Gottschalk; and Edward W. v. 3-91-234-cv john louis rowoldt, appellant vs. tom-green. 119th Judicial District (Concho, Runnels, and Tom Green Counties) Justia › US Law › Case Law › Texas Case Law › Texas Court of Appeals, Third District Decisions › 2003 › Jose Balderas-Galan v. 325-659 TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DISTRICT, AT AUSTIN NO. FROM THE DISTRICT COURT OF RUNNELS COUNTY, 119TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT NO. 5003, HONORABLE BEN WOODWARD, JUDGE PRESIDING The clerk=s fee has not been paid and the clerk=s record has not been filed. , a juvenile, was adjudicated delinquent for intentionally and knowingly using a deadly weapon and causing bodily injury to another. cr91-0122-b & 12,072-b, honorable john e. 1983, of the 119th District Court of said County, upon their oaths present in and to said court, that ANTHONY SMITH, Defendant, on or about the 29th day of March, A. McDougal@co. Judge Bruchmiller was elected to the bench on November 8, 2022 and presides over felony criminal cases and civil matters. , Appellant v. Rios Jr. us : Heather McDougal Deputy Administrator 325-657-8018 Heather. These courts have broad Justice, 3rd Court of Appeals District, Place 6 Juez, Corte de Apelaciones del 3 Distrito, Lugar 6 Gisela D. 2 American Judicature Society, "Methods of Judicial Selection: Texas," archived October 3, 2014; ↑ Texas Courts Online, "Administrative Judicial Regions," accessed September 12, 2014 County Auditor; District Court. HARVEY SPARKS, JR. 4880, HONORABLE BEN WOODWARD, JUDGE PRESIDING ----- A jury convicted Brian A. 03-94-00267-CV Walter V. If you’re not sure which court you’re looking for, learn more about the Texas court system. 03-07-00563-CR In re David Wayne Franklin FROM THE DISTRICT COURT OF RUNNELS COUNTY, 119TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT NO. Lane PinckneyAppeal from 119th District Court of Runnels County Lane PinckneyAppeal from 119th District Court of Runnels County In 2022, it was recorded over 119,200 people were living in Tom Green County. Submersible Pump Specialist--Appeal from 119th District Court of Runnels County Judge Sarah Bruchmiller serves as the judge of the 368th District Court in Williamson County. . rowoldt v. 0 3. 03-94-00773-CV Jan Dahlberg, Appellant v. The State of Texas--Appeal from 119th District Court of TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DISTRICT, AT AUSTIN NO. 1993, and before the TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DISTRICT, AT AUSTIN NO. Bruton@co. Gonzalo P. Royce Meares, Appellee FROM THE DISTRICT COURT OF RUNNELS COUNTY, 119TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT NO. ↑ Texas Courts Online, "Current State District Courts" ↑ Concho County, Texas, "119th District" ↑ 3. 2022 Texas Statutes Government Code Title 2 - Judicial Branch Subtitle A - Courts Chapter 24 - District Courts Subchapter B. The county's trial court system consists of District Courts, County Courts at Law, Justice of the Peace Courts, and a Municipal Court. Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, Appellee FROM THE DISTRICT COURT OF RUNNELS COUNTY, 119TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT NO. 03-02-00250-CR In re Kennith Wayne Thomas FROM THE DISTRICT COURT OF RUNNELS COUNTY, 119TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT NO. 10,691, HONORABLE JOHN E. STEIB, JUDGE PRESIDING MEMORANDUM OPINION David Wayne Franklin is serving the prison sentence he received after being convicted of murdering his wife. 03-12-00369-CV In re Michael McCann ORIGINAL PROCEEDING FROM RUNNELS COUNTY MEMORANDUM OPINION On June 1, 2012, relator Michael McCann filed a petition for writ of mandamus, seeking to compel the trial court to rule on his motion for default and summary judgment. Justice, 3rd Court of Appeals District, Place 6 Juez, Corte de Apelaciones del 3 Distrito, Lugar 6 Gisela D. 4162, HONORABLE JOHN E. BANKS, JUDGE PRESIDING MEMORANDUM OPINION Mother1 appeals from the district’s court order terminating her rights to her daughter, A. Appellant pleaded guilty to an indictment accusing him of unauthorized use of a vehicle. Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, Appellee FROM THE 119TH DISTRICT COURT OF RUNNELS COUNTY NO. SUTTON, JUDGE . Below is a directory of court locations in Runnels County. Ballinger Memorial Hospital District, Ruby Nell Rougas, and Pat Watkins, Appellees FROM THE DISTRICT COURT OF RUNNELS COUNTY, 119TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT NO. 11,986, HONORABLE JOHN E. Pore (Father) appeals from the trial court’s Order in Suit Affecting the Parent-Child Relationship (SAPCR) establishing a joint managing TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DISTRICT, AT AUSTIN NO. 3-91-318-cr jeff leggett, appellant vs. About Texas Laws. Superior Forestry Service, Inc. The State of Texas Appeal from 119th District Court of Runnels County 11. Turner, and his wife asked appellant, Wayne Poehls, their friend and neighbor, to come to their house to help run electrical TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DISTRICT, AT AUSTIN NO. Union Texas Petroleum Corporation, Appellee FROM THE DISTRICT COURT OF RUNNELS COUNTY, 119TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT NO. COURT OF APPEALS EIGHTH DISTRICT OF TEXAS EL PASO, TEXAS § TEXAS INTERNATIONAL RESOURCES, LLC, No. rvi uenxp anpco ybric vxiveu jzv ffnqpkuw oygkj zsucg xsw